All posts by ABC Rhineland

Einige Gedanken zu Personalienverweigerung im Knast



PDF: PV-UPHambi5

„Das hier bei uns ist ein geben und nehmen. Du sagst uns deinen Namen und dann bekommst du einen Stift.“

Mit solchen Worten wurde ich begrüßt in der JVA Köln Ossendorf. Einige der Wachteln schienen sich von Personalienverweigerung persönlich angegriffen zu fühlen und versuchten uns das Leben so schwer wie möglich zu machen. Warum also sollte mensch sich all diesem Ärger „freiwillig“ aussetzen? Eine häufig traumatische Knasterfahrung riskieren und Strukturen außerhalb belasten, wo doch schon die Haftrichterin uns angeboten hatte uns gegen Angabe unserer Personalien zu entlassen? Continue reading Einige Gedanken zu Personalienverweigerung im Knast 

Letter #2 from UP2



Latest Prison Demo 1st of March 2018


This last Friday afternoon we were not allowed to go to the hobbie-room or to do Umschluss (going to another cell) and I was in my cell when suddenly heard a bunch of noise from outside, opened my window and heard it louder.

It was you! Tried to answer back, then I heard you going, then coming again, and as I told you that day we were all in the cells, so not just me but many people heard you, and the day after some people were talking about it in the garden, and also some asked when would be another day to leave the window open and hear it.

And as I’ve been many times on the other side of the wall, and many times have wondered if people inside would hear it or not, just wanted to tell you that:

Yes! We hear it! And it’s empowering.

Thanks for coming!

Love and rage,

letter #5 from UP1



4th of March 2018, JVA Cologne

Hey people,

thank you all for being there the last two Fridays at the court, it was great to see and hear you, the first one, I heard you playing Bella Ciao while I was walking through the corridor towards the door of the court with the feet-handcuffs as slow as possible to hear you more time and with a smile in my face, it was so great <3 Continue reading letter #5 from UP1