Recieved 26th September 2018
JVA Köln, 11th September 2018
POST CARD #1Are you okay? Are you doing alright? You’re all on my mind, all the time. Are you safe? Or are you here too? If I could I’d take the days for you (just to send you home). Prison is not a place for everyone. And I’m doing enough months, that everyone else should be “paid in full”. None are free until all are free. And until then my heart will be heavy. I love you all. Stay Brave. <3 UPIII
POST CARD #2Dear comrades and friends, to everyone who is trying to save the forest in any way/shape/form: You are all in my heart and on my mind every day, even if I’ve never met you. I don’t know what to write, but I just wanted to send something to say I really hope you’re all okay (as okay as you can be). I know things are shitty but hopefully they don’t stay that way. I hope, I hope, I hope. Sending love, rage and strength. Stay Brave <3 UPIII Even if it’s only a little win, better is always worth fighting for. Keep going, you’re doing great!
POST CARD #3Maybe I should start doing little drawing again, I’ve done way too many post cards today. A massive thank you to everyone who has sent me any positive sort of mail. I cannot even begin to express how much it means to me. Thank you so, so much. About the drawing – when I’m upset, I like to think about swimming in a deep ocean with giant sea monsters, swimming down, down, down… Swimming away. I imagine the monsters chasing each other. I don’t know why it helps but it does. Maybe because it’s distracting. Whatever works. STAY BRAVE. <3 UPIII
POST CARD #4Dear comrades and friends, how are you? I hope at least one Person laughs at this. I did. It has nearly been a day and I’m still thinking about it. I’m not sure if I really love German, because it is so literal, or if I want to cry about it because it is difficult to learn and the best advice I’ve been given is “just guess” because there are rules but they don’t always apply/work. I am frustrated. I’m going to make tea. <3 UPIII Ps. Feeling better after tea.
Please don’t give up learning. It is one of our best abilities. And hopefully you can use the language, when you return to the forest. Your pictures are so beautiful. I like them very much and wish I could express myself as well by drawing.