Category Archives: 19/3eviciton

Freispruch in der UPIII Berufungsverhandlung



Näxt Stop im UPIII Verfahren: Freispruch fürs Trommeln. Krachmacher*innen der Welt vereinigt euch! Never trust the Authorities! #RhythmsOfResistance

1 Jahr, 1 Monat und 27 Tage. Festnahme im März 2018. Über 6 Monate Untersuchungshaft. Entlassung im Oktober, nur Tage nach Rodungsstop und Räumung. Vier Hauptsverhandlungstage in der Berufung. Freispruch. Revision? Resistance! Hambi Bleibt!

"Wenn hier Anarchie herrschen würde, wäre klar, wer die ersten Opfer wären. Die ersten Opfer wären die Anarchisten und die, die auf den Bäumen sitzen." - so der Richter bei der Urteilsbegründung. Selber Opfer! SystemOpfer!

Haftentlassung UPIII: Hintergrundinfos



Im Rahmen der mündlichen, nicht öffentlichen Haftprüfung am 4. Oktober 2018 vor dem Landgericht Köln wurde der Haftbefehl gegen UPIII aufgehoben.

Bericht über den langwierigen Weg zur Haftprüfung hier: LINK

Laut UPIII war die Haftprüfung vor allem ein Kreuzverhör durch den Richter*, das sich zentral um die Frage drehte, was sie vor habe, wenn sie jetzt frei käme.  Continue reading Haftentlassung UPIII: Hintergrundinfos 

Letter #45 from UPIII



Still recieving Letters from the already released UPIII.

JVA Köln, Thursday, 27. September 2018

Dear Comrades and friends,

lately I've received a few letters telling me that my open letters sound bitter, desperate, frustrated and full of other sickening negative emotions.

I totally agree they do. Here is why.

Up until a week ago I spent every day of six months (minus half hour visits once a week) without a single human being able to understand me. That doesn't sound as serious as I wanted it to. Continue reading Letter #45 from UPIII 

Letter #42 from UPIII



Recieved 27th September 2018

JVA Köln, 16th September 2018

“Testimony of a person who is under house arrest” - Highlights and Comment from UPIII

In Prison at Home for three Weeks

Published here: LINK

On 26th November 2015 at 2.30 pm, officers of the state police came to my house to place me under house arrest for the whole duration of the COP 21. Continue reading Letter #42 from UPIII 

Letter #44 from UPIII



Recieved 8th October 2018

JVA Köln, 19th September 2018, rewritten 22.September 2018

Please write letters and send things to the new UPs. Please. I have so many letters, please prioritise those with none!

Please don't write that I'm brace/ inspiring/ you admire what I did or whatever. I did nothing. If you're going to admire or think these things of anyone, please let it be every person in the forest right now who is fighting or supporting the fight. Every single one. They're amazing and need to be recognised for the incredible shit they're doing.

Please don't tell me about solidarity actions "for" me. Do the action because it is right or just to do it, not "for" me. I didn't do anything. If you're doing it to raise awareness through (banners or whatever) absolutely do it. Fuck the system. Show people "justice" doesn't exist in the law. Otherwise do it for all of the UPs - there are a few of us now. Please. Continue reading Letter #44 from UPIII 

Letter #38 from UPIII



Recieved 27th September 2018

JVA Köln, 12th September 2018

TRIGGER WARNING: implied self harm/ suicide.

I've written about this before but I want to talk about it again and describe it a little more. I wanted to draw a comic strip, but I can't find the "right" way to do it now. I'll try again another time, but for today here's the story of the soft, warm yellow cat (who is more often than not these days a lion). Continue reading Letter #38 from UPIII