Letter #38 from UPIII



Recieved 27th September 2018

JVA Köln, 12th September 2018

TRIGGER WARNING: implied self harm/ suicide.

I've written about this before but I want to talk about it again and describe it a little more. I wanted to draw a comic strip, but I can't find the "right" way to do it now. I'll try again another time, but for today here's the story of the soft, warm yellow cat (who is more often than not these days a lion). Continue reading Letter #38 from UPIII 

Letter #37 from UPIII



Recieved 27th Sepetember 2018

JVA Köln, 3rd September 2018

Dear comrades and friends,

I don't even remember when I last sent an open letter, so I thought that maybe I should write one today.

My thought process for the last month has been something like this: 

Todays's tasks - nope.  Tomorrow's tasks - nope. Next week's tasks ah damn. This month? I really need to get on top of things... Continue reading Letter #37 from UPIII 

Jazzy und Winter gegen Auflagen aus der Haft entlassen / Jazzy and Winter released from jail with requirements



Heute Vormittag, am Dienstag, den 2. Oktober 2018, wurden Jazzy und Winter nach ihrem Haftprüfungstermin aus der Haft entlassen.

Beide saßen mehr als zwei Wochen in Untersuchungshaft. Nun entschied das AG Düren, dass der Haftbefehl außer Vollzug zu setzen sei.

Beide sind den Behörden weiterhin nicht namentlich bekannt und nun frei!

Hintergründe und genauere Informationen zu den Auflagen folgen demnächst.


Before noon today, Tuesday October 2nd 2018, Jazzy and Winter were released after their court hearing.

Both of them sat more than two weeks in pre-trial detention. Now the Düren district-court decided not to continue enforcing the restriction-order.

Both of them are now free, and their identities still unknown to the authorities!

Background and further information on their requirements will follow.